
In-game reset:
Press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 during game play.
Hint: Easy experience for water magic:
This trick may help you gain easy experience for you water magic. Before recovering yourself in the recovery points, press Triangle to display the status screen and recover yourself. Using Alheal gives you more experience. After you recover yourself, recover yourself again by a recovery point or at an inn.
A great place to try the water magic recovery trick is the Dom Ruins south of Feena's house. In the beginning, there are some frowning stone faces. Have your party run into them, get injured, then go to the nearby recovery point and use water magic. Then, use the point to regain your MP.
Just before you enter the Dom Ruins is a wall that attacks you when you get close enough. Allow it to hit you until you only have 1 HP remaining. Do not worry about dying from falling into traps. Use your water magic to heal all members of the party. Then just go back to the nearest recovery spot to regain MP -- it would only take about three seconds to walk back and forth between the wall trap and the recovery spot).
If you have not gotten to the
In the
In Abandoned Laine (Warp Space 1) there is a little green circle on the floor. If you go near it, it will grow and attack you. You can then heal using water magic. When out of MP go back to the save point. In Abandoned Laine (Warp Space 3), at the end by the saving location is another trap. This is alot faster and is closer to the saving place.
Hint: Easy magic or weapon level up:
When you get to the island of the mermaids at the end of Disc 1, go to the right until you fight a group of four Toad Kings. If you have Dragon Cut with Justin, you can get a lot of Weapon, Fire, and Earth Skill Points. Also, these enemies are very easy to defeat, in case you do not have Dragon Cut. To level up your Water Magic in these fights, cast Snooze until you run out of MP. After the battle, you are likely to be low on SP and/or MP. Return to the Sea Dragon, heal, and go back to the toads.
Hint: Mana Egg:
You will get a Mana Egg after defeating the Squid Boss in the ghost ship. You can use it in the very next town.
To get a Mana Egg in the church after Feena is kidnapped, open the first water gate and cross to the other side. Then, close the water gate from the other side. Keep walking until you reach another gate. Open it. go through the tunnel on your right, then go down two sets of stairs. Then, go to the top right hand corner of the floor. Follow this tunnel and you will eventually find a Mana Egg.
Hint: Hidden areas:
There are two secret areas in the game. One in the
Any time after leaving Alent, you can access the secret dungeon
Glitch: Walking through gates, doors, and anything else that opens:
As you walk up to a door or a gate, it will open. Back up slightly then go full force toward it. Because you backed up, it should be closing while you go through it. This may take a few attempts.

North American (NTSC) version
Justin maximum Str/Atk:
8001027A 03E7
8001027A 03E7
Justin maximum Vit/Def:
8001027C 03E7
8001027C 03E7
Justin maximum Wit/Atk:
8001027E 03E7
8001027E 03E7
Justin maximum Agi/Mov:
80010280 03E7
80010280 03E7
Justin maximum HP:
80010276 03E7
80010276 03E7
Justin unlimited HP:
80010278 03E7
80010278 03E7
Justin maximum/unlimited MP
Lev 1:
800102A8 6363
800102A8 6363
Justin maximum/unlimited MP
Lev 2:
800102AA 6363
800102AA 6363
Justin maximum/unlimited MP
Lev 3:
800102AC 6363
800102AC 6363
Justin maximum Speed:
80010282 03E7
80010282 03E7
Justin unlimited Speed:
80010284 03E7
80010284 03E7
Justin next level always 1:
80010274 0001
80010274 0001
Sue maximum Str/Atk:
8001037A 03E7
8001037A 03E7
Sue maximum Vit/Def:
8001037C 03E7
8001037C 03E7
Sue maximum Wit/Atk:
8001037E 03E7
8001037E 03E7
Sue maximum Agi/Mov:
80010380 03E7
80010380 03E7
Sue maximum HP:
80010376 03E7
80010376 03E7
Sue unlimited HP:
80010378 03E7
80010378 03E7
Sue maximum/unlimited MP Lev
800103A8 6363
800103A8 6363
Sue maximum/unlimited MP Lev
800103AA 6363
800103AA 6363
Sue maximum/unlimited MP Lev
800103AC 6363
800103AC 6363
Sue maximum Speed:
80010382 03E7
80010382 03E7
Sue unlimited Speed:
80010384 03E7
80010384 03E7
Sue next level always 1:
80010374 0001
80010374 0001